Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I beg your pardon?

Unlike Blinky, my monster of a red cat who was taught by his previous owner that begging was a perfectly acceptable way to get extra food, my two ladies have not been raised that way perse.

Basti 'begging'..
Yes, they do beg in their own cute way but it's never over the top and in your face. Nike will start making noise around 9 AM to get her treats (any other time I'll give her treats and she'll be suspicious of my motives..we might be going to the vet for all she knows) and Basti has her own weird way of begging which looks more like a staring contest.

Sometimes, in the morning, Basti will be going through her food like there is no tomorrow...and by 9 or 10 AM, the first round of food will be gone. I usually won't give her anything more until around 4 PM but she's not apposed to giving it a try. We'll then have a staring contest which I usually lose because I feel sorry for her. Sometimes I try to trick into giving more healthier options that her dry food but she's usually not that interested...

I still think that even though I haven't raised my two girls to beg, they have still  managed to come up with their own way to squeeze food out of me...but it's more like the Lady than like the Tramp.

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