Blinky checking it out |
From the moment I saw it, I was almost sure that that would be a much simpler solution so we bought it. Of course, I had to change everything at the same time. We put the feeder on top of the box; we turned the box 90 degrees so it would take up less room in the living room and we changed the brand of petfood again... I tend to do stupid things like that. Blinky was very interested from the get-go and had no problems with the change...Basti on the other hand was not amused and initially wouldn't cooperate
Basti eating from the Surefeed. |
A couple of things were annoying her. The noise of the lid opening and closing freaked her out. Plus, having the curved sensor above her head, wasn't something she particularly liked. I had also positioned the feeder so that she couldn't see if my other cats were coming up to her so she would look up every 2 or 3 seconds to see what was going on and that didn't work. After a week or so, I changed the box back to its original setting and put the feeder in such a position that she would be able to look into the living room and see every cat that would try to approach. That seemed to do the trick and she started to get less freaked out. About a third of the time, she still doesn't stick her head in far enough to open the feeder but during the rest of the day, she does and it opens by itself. Every time that happens, we praise the living daylights out of her :-)...She still wants me or my husband nearby when she eats (a tricky side effect from when she wasn't eating and I dragged the food to her and stayed while she ate) but I'm having high hopes!